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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Being God's Man is Worth The Risk!

Being God's Man is Worth The Risk!

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Another problem with Windows 7

As long I use this Operating System, I found so many problems.

Although nothing's perfect, it's so annoying if we do something repeatedly, and nothing changes.

7 is not so friendly with flash player. You'll find it when u open Windows Live Messenger, or open a page that contains flash object, the programs will always asking you to download and install the newest version of flash player, and yet, if you do exactly asked, it will be the same, no change.

So, I conclude that we have problem with flash player, or windows 7, or both.

Yet I think, flash player is running well, same as Windows 7 doing well. Until we run one within another.

I hope we'll get the newest update from Microsoft, about this bug.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Windows 7

One more thing about Windows 7, I found that there is inconsistence.

There is a difference each time I start Windows.

Sometimes I have to restart Oracle Service, and PHP sever not running well.

Sometimes all are just going well.

I don't know more about this issue, but I hope Windows will be getting better.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Problem with PHP connects to Oracle with ADODB in Windows 7

I got stuck in this.

Cant find any solution on uncle google.

Which forum that provides this kind of solution?


Im using windows 7 Professional, I use xampp (ApacheFriends XAMPP (basic package) version 1.6.6a)

I found problems when I cant initialize the sql command on my php files. But when I tried to run in my friends server using vista and xp, it worked well.

Y-Y T______________________________T

Saturday, August 29, 2009

hackintosh on acer

i just installed OSx85 on my notebook,
acer aspire 5930.

on the next post i'll tell more story about this installation..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And right after I fell down, I look outside, and I found many things pity, people in oppression, people in need, people in intimidation, people out of freedom,

People being rejected, people being overlooked, people which are not counted as exist, people that is not accepted as equal with human,


Then I look to myself.. what am I pitying for? Self pity? Go ahead to the sea, or burry yourself wherever land admit u to lay in…


In every single day, every single hour, I must get up, and dance…

And I have to understand that God loves me so…

And not to go down by only problem… -_-


Need to use the right energy to do the right action… and think the right thoughts, and love everyone…

Lost in space…

i have desire, to be graduated as soon as tomorrow... but, dunno what am i pursuing now...

I feel im lost...

lost in my own desert..


i dont want to prove anything..

step away from my path...


i wanna be free, in the freedom,

i am not feeling secure...


about my mistake, I admit I made it..

do I need u to press me more about my wrong??

If anyone


about all, I don't want to prove anything to anyone…

one who loves me will love me as who I am, not what I do..

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Is this blog still alive?

Cant sense the breath..

Get up… wake up from hibernation…


Come up, any thought..

Rise up, any letters..

Make it do something…

Don't let go..

Don't give up

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

bleblbelbelb.... !^%#^%$!%$(%

wow.. today, i dont know what to do, just want to be relax through the day..
but u know, i came to school (uni exactly), we cant enter the gate. national awakens day ceremony - hari kebangkitan national, (isn't it?).
after waiting for about 20 to 30 minutes outside, the gate was opened and we made a line to parking area.

then i went up to the 3rd floor and thought that i was late and already locked outside. but oh, i realized then that the PWEB class is on 4th. wheew... but before i arrived at class, some students came and showed their disappointed face.. when i asked they said "Dipindah jam tengah duabelas"(class is moved to 11.30am).. oh.. great..we've been waiting for 30minutes outside the gate, in 'early' morning at 7.30, but see what we get..

they move the class without any announcement nor whatever.. and again, the lecturer is sub'ed by another person. we pray that the new lecturer is more humanly than before.. amen..

now, it's 9.14, i feel kELAp.. haha.. hungry u know.. :D
even i dont have that habit of having 'big' breakfast.. but i think i will do it now..

the sorong say: su kelap nih.. perut su bunyi... (hehe)

bleh... what have i written..? no idea but words...
what the maksud..-_-"

the moral is, why should 'we' substitute the teacher like it was just like futsal? who wants out just out, who want to sub just in... -__-!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sony Ericsson PC Suite 4.010.00 support Windows Vista

Today I get something to do with my Sony Ericsson K618i cell phone. And I used to use my desktop PC to do everything such file transfer from my cell or also for backup-ing it. But I found problems with that, because I forgot that I twice formatted and reinstalled my operating systems. Another problems is that my USB data cable doesn't work as well.

So the solution was using my notebook to do what I wanted to do. I planned to use Bluetooth to substitute USB data cable. But when I was going to install the PC suite, another situation comes up, the setup file can't run in windows vista.

Whereas it's written on CD cover:

"Minimum system requirement: windows 2000 SP 4 …

Windows XP …"

Then tang ting tung… Google then answered my question.

Here the link for the solution:


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Consider it Papuan youth…

apa yang kita sebagai generasi muda papua bisa lakukan?


- banyak pendahulu kita yang mempertaruhkan nyawa demi memperjuangkan nasib papua.

- tidak sedikit yang mencari suaka dan dikejar" oknum aparat.

- bahkan tidak sedikit dari mereka menghilang tanpa berita

- ribuan orang tewas di tanah kelahiran sendiri





- oknum" pejabat disumpal mulut dan perut dengan duit

- kerusakan alam terjadi tanpa ada sedikitpun kendali

- kekayaan alam dikuras tanpa ada belas kasihan pada alam itu sendiri

- pendidikan yang minim

- mentalitas masyarakat papua yang menjadi pertanyaan

- kaum muda yang egosentris, fokus pada sesuatu yang tidak kekal, orientasi kpada apa yg kelihatan, ikut tren tapi hanya bagian negatifnya yang dominan

- visi papua yang kabur..



apa yang bisa kita lakukan?

berharap merdeka?

tidak bisa sekarang, cukup dengan uang, tidak sedikit orang yang bisa terlena.

cukup dengan kekuasaan dan kedudukan, apalah artinya masa depan rakyat bagi sebagian orang..

belum ada rasa bangga(yang positif) pd diri sendiri dan menghargai orang lain

menuntut yang enak, harap gampang/.


lalu apa yang harus kita lakukan?

wan derma (duit persembahan -ato- kolekte)

Minggu pagi Bapak Pdt Khotbah, Bapa bilang

"Jalan menuju surga itu penuh dengan rintangan serta penuh onak & duri"

Pace Ko dengar tapi macam d rasa tra bisa jadi , d marah sudah

"wahh….baru wan derma yan kita kumpul tiap minggu tu dong pake bikin apa ka?.....

co dong pake aspal jalan kaa…………"


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Semangat Politik & Ambisi Politik

Salah satu kelemahan yang saya lihat:


Wakil presiden mementingkan kepentingan partai diatas kepentingan bangsa dan kewajiban terhadap status sebagai wakil presiden.

Mana yang lebih penting, memenuhi kewajiban atau mengusahakan kedudukan?

Perannya dalam status sebagai wakil presiden sudah dikaburkan dengan mengusahakan status yang baru.


Menurut saya, beliau tidak fokus pada kepentingan bersama.

Gengsi dong, wakil presiden jadi bintang iklan partai yg kurang jelas.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

apakah ini tren? apakah aksi dan reaksiini adalah tren?

tindakan menginjak Al Quran merupakan contoh tindakan tak terpuji, provokatif dan tidak menghargai orang lain. dan patut diselidiki dan diperiksa oleh pihak berwenang. ini menyangkut pelecehan terhadap kepercayaan orang lain.
boleh memiliki kepercayaan, tapi hendaknya tidak melecehkan milik orang lain dengan tindakan yang tidak perlu.

tapi memasukkan unsur aliran yang menyimpang dari ajaran Islam bukanlah satu alasan untuk menggolongkan sesuatu sesat atau tidak.
karena toh banyak agama selain Islam, dan kita tidak bisa menuding agama dan kepercayaan selain Islam sesat
kedua, Islam bukan akar dari semua agama dan kepercayaan dan bukan pula agama yang awal muncul..
dan seperti yang sering sy sebutkan bahwa sebenarnya tidak ada agama yg patut kita banggakan lebih dari budaya dan produk bangsa sendiri, dalam memutuskan dan menimbang sesuatu serta bertindak di negeri ini, hendaknya kita melakukan dengan tulus dan dengan memberikan penghormatan tertinggi pada pancasila dan ke-bhinneka-an..

no offense..

Alan Dershowitz :
“Do not equate morality and religion. Although some great moral teachers were religious, some great moral sinners also acted in the name of religion.”

Thursday, February 5, 2009

using input parameter in .NET with ms access database

i've tried to solve the problem about how to use input parameter when i'm using .NET and accessing MS ACCESS database (*.mdb).
for about a day, i look on internet, asked my friend, and blah...blah...
however, there is no answer...
until... enlightenment comes... the answer appears..

i don't remember the www address where i got the solution..
but it's OK..

here the answer:

instead of using @parameter as in SQLServer database, we should use question mark to mark an input parameter

SQL Server 2005:
SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE first_Name = @First name

MS Access Database through ODBC in .NET

may this post be helpful for you who's looking for this problem..

peace.. Gbu

Monday, January 5, 2009

map dari bmg

Saturday, January 3, 2009

ringkasan khotbah 28 des 2008


ratapan 3.19.25

apa yang selalu kita ingat mempengaruhi jiwa kita
rat 3.21 tapi [memilih untuk melakukan] inilah yang kuperhatikan

cara untuk melupakan yang buruk adalah : mengingat yang baik


*. mzm 48.9 mengingat kebaikan Tuhan dalam segala keadaan
*. mzm 119.52 ingatr janji Firman Tuhan
john 14.26 penghibur: dan akan mengingatkan
*. mat 16.9 ingat mujizat Tuhan
*. 1 Kor 11.24 ingat pengarbanan Yesus buat kita
*. 1 tes 2.9 ingat akan kebaikan orang lain

*. filipi 3.13-14 melupakan kegagalan dan belajar darinya
*. bil 11.5 bangsa israel mengingat masa lalu
*. kej 41.51 yusuf: "aku lupa sama sekali".
pada saat saudaranya datang, dia memberkati mereka
*. ibr 10.16-17 Tuhan tidak mengingat dosa" dan kesalahan kita

filipi 4.11-13 ditulis oleh paulus pada saat dipenjara
mencukupkan diri dalam segala keadaan =>proses:belajar
1.jgn membandingkan
* klo saya punya yg dia punya,saya senang
* klo saya bsa diterima oleh semua orang, saya senang
* klo saya punya lebih banyak, saya senang
filipi 4.11-13 I have learned to be independent from circumstances
filipi 4.19 tetapi kita perlu belajar di masa sulit
kita tetap bisa mencukupkan diri

Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year, new year...

in this 2009, much things won't be going to be better, but even going worse..

don't worry about those things, bcoz God will never leave you alone.
as you walk in his righteousness, you will see, that his promise always be fulfilled, his loving kindness endures all generation, and he will guide you through the hills and reach the new montaintop-the new level- and you will see the providence of God will never be away from you..

do not be panic with all kinds of news, most of them will be bad news,(lamentations 2.19-20)
but remember this:
"Yet this i call to mind
and therefore i have hope
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness." (lamentations 2.21-23)

"On the mountain of the LORD it will be provided" (Gen 22.14)

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