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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

bleblbelbelb.... !^%#^%$!%$(%

wow.. today, i dont know what to do, just want to be relax through the day..
but u know, i came to school (uni exactly), we cant enter the gate. national awakens day ceremony - hari kebangkitan national, (isn't it?).
after waiting for about 20 to 30 minutes outside, the gate was opened and we made a line to parking area.

then i went up to the 3rd floor and thought that i was late and already locked outside. but oh, i realized then that the PWEB class is on 4th. wheew... but before i arrived at class, some students came and showed their disappointed face.. when i asked they said "Dipindah jam tengah duabelas"(class is moved to 11.30am).. oh.. great..we've been waiting for 30minutes outside the gate, in 'early' morning at 7.30, but see what we get..

they move the class without any announcement nor whatever.. and again, the lecturer is sub'ed by another person. we pray that the new lecturer is more humanly than before.. amen..

now, it's 9.14, i feel kELAp.. haha.. hungry u know.. :D
even i dont have that habit of having 'big' breakfast.. but i think i will do it now..

the sorong say: su kelap nih.. perut su bunyi... (hehe)

bleh... what have i written..? no idea but words...
what the maksud..-_-"

the moral is, why should 'we' substitute the teacher like it was just like futsal? who wants out just out, who want to sub just in... -__-!