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Monday, December 15, 2008

copy mentah" dengan olahan minim dari ringkasan sermon ps. Benny yg d share evan ke temannya

yg 2 kali yg pagi, judulnya 'Hati yang bersyukur'

jd yg Hati yg bersyukur tu gini
biasanya manusia yg gak bsa bersyukur selalu ngomel & komentar ttg segala sesuatu
dia bisa nemuin 1001 macam alasan untuk menyalahkan keadaan
bersyukur bukan masalah keadaan.
tetapi masalah hati
salah satu alasan napa orang gak bisa bersyukur tu karna
self centered
2 tim 3.2
mencintai diri sendiri

quote: "jangan engkau berpikir kurang tentang dirimu,
tapi kurangi engkau berpikir tentang dirimu"

2 kor 10.12, jga tu

psalms 139.14(15) bersyukur untuk latarbelakang
banyak hal di hidup ini adalah merupakan pilihan
tapi ada hal yang tidak bisa kita pilih
latar belakang keluarga, orang tua, suku, ras, dll
kita tidak bisa memilih keluarga kita, pengen lahir d keluarga tertentu, pada sukubangsa tertentu, di negara tertentu , dan sebagainya
impossible seseorang mengatakan Tuhan baik, tapi gak mensyukuri orang tua nya
Daud bahkan gak diakui papanya waktu samuel datang menobatkan anak isai
tapi dia memilih percaya kebenaran lebih dari kenyataan
i'm fearfully and wonderfuly made kata daud
2 tim 3.14 selalu ingat org yang melakukan kebaikan dalam hidup
*untuk yg satu ini, evan td mo nangis, udah berbinar" tadi
* banyak wajah n nama yg terlintas
* klo gak karna ada orang" yg tolong n bantu evan, gak bakal deh, evan jd kyk gni

2 tim 3.14?
"Tetapi hendaklah engkau tetap berpegang pada kebenaran yang telah engkau terima dan engkau yakini, dengan selalu mengingat orang yang telah mengajarkannya kepadamu"
jd digaris bawah: dengan selalu mengingat orang
karena klo gak ada orang trus gimana?
tu 2tim3.14 versi indo, gak baca versi lain

psalm 42:5/6
"Mengapa engkau tertekan, hai jiwaku, dan gelisah di dalam diriku?
Berhalaplah kepada Allah!
Sebab aku akan bersyukur lagi kepada-Nya, penolongku dan Allahku!"
tu dalam keadaan sulit, tapi tetap bersyukur
Yesus sendiri ngasi contoh
sebelum dia ngasi makan 5000 orang,
dia nanya, "apa yg ada padamu?" *jd inget, ini tentang potensi dan apapun yg kita miliki
terus abis nanya gitu,
mereka nunjukin anak kecil yg bawa bekal lunchbox
yg Yesus lakukan pertama kali bukan nengking n menghardik
ngusir setan ato gimana
yg Yesus lakuin: John 6.11
Lalu Yesus mengambil roti itu, mengucap syukur dan membagi-bagikannya ... ...

gtu contoh Yesus


'Tuhan Persiapkan Sebelumnya'

cara kerja Tuhan tuh beda ama kita
kita baru bsa solve problem klo problem udah ada
klo Tuhan gak gtu
ada lagu,
I have a maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began,
my live was in His hand
jd, sebelum semuanya ada, Tuhan udah tau namaku,
apa yg d dpan tu Dia dah tau
psalms 23.1

Gen 22.1-14
ini crita ttg Moria
Abraham disuru offer ishak
Tuhan udah nyediain jauh sebelumnya
-Isaiah 65.24
-Mat 17.24
- 27
Mat 17.24-27
bahkan ketika orang gak adil sama kita,

TUHAN gak pernah bingung ama namanya solusi
Dia gak pernah terkejut ngeliat masalah yg terjadi
td pastor bilang, sebagai jemaat prophetic, kta jemaat gak tau semua yg terjadi di masa depan d tahun 2009

tapi kita tau, Tuhan dah tau semua n nyediain bagi kita
dibacain jga tu tadi ceritanya Dr. Helen Roseveare, missionaris inggris d zaire
evan cba cari linknya

Tuhan gak bingung buat cari solusi
gtu deh

td jemaat diajak secara korporasi, untuk melihat ke depan dengan sudut pandang Tuhan

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem

Make it Snow !

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem

Twas the night before Christmas Poem also called "A Visit from St. Nicholas"

Clement Clarke Moore (1779 - 1863) wrote the poem Twas the night before Christmas also called "A Visit from St. Nicholas" in 1822. It is now the tradition in many American families to read the poem every Christmas Eve. The poem Twas the night before Christmas has redefined our image of Christmas and Santa Claus. Prior to the creation of the story of Twas the night before Christmas St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, had never been associated with a sleigh or reindeers! The author of the poem Twas the night before Christmas was a reticent man and it is believed that a family friend, Miss H. Butler, sent a copy of the poem to the New York Sentinel who published the poem. The condition of publication was that the author of Twas the night before Christmas was to remain anonymous. The first publication date was 23rd December 1823 and it was an immediate success. It was not until 1844 that Clement Clarke Moore claimed ownership when the work was included in a book of his poetry. Clement Clarke Moore came from a prominent family and his father Benjamin Moore was the Bishop of New York who was famous for officiating at the inauguration of George Washington. The tradition of reading Twas the night before Christmas poem on Christmas Eve is now a Worldwide institution.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

comment to politcio

saya tidak mempermasalahkan cara penyampaian kritik, kebijakan anda untuk meng'approve atau merejectnya, saya menghormati itu. tetapi kami sebagai public membutuhkan keterbukaan dan kejelasan.
karena saya sebagai kaum muda melihat ketidak jelasan dari apa yang sedang terjadi di bangsa ini.
banyak oknum yang tidak jelas bisa masuk menjadi pemimpin dan wakil rakyat(yang katanya wakil kami), tetapi sama sekali tidak memberi dampak positif malah dampak negatif bagi kami. dan bagi saya mereka hanya memakan gaji buta.. (ini mungkin sekalian sebagai keluhan saya melihat apa yang sedang terjadi dan anda mgkn bisa membantu untuk hal itu)

sebab kalau kita melihat cara berpolitik di USA, terutama cara berkampanye, media menjadi ladang yang subur untuk figur yang akan ikut menjadi kandidat..boleh saja kita meniru hal tersebut, akan tetapi ada efek samping yang jelas-jelas akan dirasakan langsung oleh masyarakat. bisa saja yang terjadi, orang yang haus kekuasaan dan kebetulan bermodalkan uang yang banyak 'membeli' media untuk menipu publik. sementara ketika cara ini diterapkan di USA (ini yang dilakukan Obama, dan saya turut mengambil bagian di dalam jaringan sosial Obama di internet), semua jenis media bisa saja dijadikan sarana mempromosikan diri. tapi masyarakat secara terbuka dapat mengetahui track record dari figur tersebut..

di USA, media merupakan sesuatu yang netral dan transparan, yang positif dan negatif dari seorang figur tersingkap bagi khalayak. berbeda dengan negeri kita ini, lihat saja sosok" yang tampil saat ini, saya tidak pernah dengar tentang mereka.. banyak contoh. prabowo s, mempersiapkan pencalonan dirinya menjadi presiden. padahal setahu saya(sy mengikuti politik sejak SD) prabowo menyandang predikat yang tidak baik. terlepas dari semua itu, saya(bahkan seluruh rakyat Indonesia) lebih membutuhkan kejelasan dari hal tersebutm, dibandingkan menonton 'iklan' diri yang jelas" hanya menonjolkan apa yang baik dari mereka. contoh lain, calon gubernur jawatimur yang menurut KPU memperoleh suara terbanyak(selisih sangat tipis dgn calon lain), bisa menang dengan menggunakan iklan diri. bagaimana tidak, setiap hari, harian pagi selalu memuat kandidat tersebut? sementara saya sama sekali tidak pernah tahu siap beliau..dan terlebih apa jasanya bagi bangsa ini..

untuk hal lain, kita bisa kompromi tentang masa lalu seseorang, karena selalu ada kesempatan yang adil bagi tiap orang tanpa melihat latar belakang. namun satu hal yang perlu dititik beratkan adalah: ini bukan mengenai hal biasa, ini mengenai masa depan bangsa, dan tentunya kekokohan NKRI. dan prestasi seseorang menjadi sorotan yang memang perlu dijelaskan. sementara apabila prestasi tidak mencolok, saya dan tentunya seluruh rakyat Indonesia khususnya generasi muda(dalam hal ini boleh dibilang lebih dari setengah orang muda Indonesia, mengalami trauma dan tidak mau peduli dengan politik), mendukung siapa pun meski prestasi belum ada atau tidak ada bintang jasa. karena itu hal wajar, asalkan figur tersebut mampu menunjukkan 'kebersihannya'.

itu saja, maaf kalau terlalu panjang.. saya mohon ini di approve, dan saya yakin suara kami anak muda bisa menjadi pertimbangan..

salam saya
(Evan Irianov P.)
seorang pemuda yang independen yang
peduli negeri ini(khusus politik).

-menjadikan Pancasila sebagai dasar
dalam bernegara
-optimis untuk kemajuan Indonesia
-optimis untuk kesatuan Indonesia
-optimis untuk kesejahteraan Indonesia

Monday, November 17, 2008

look at him.. (which him exactly?hehe)


Yg dilukis cwe kok yg keluar gua? Aneh..

Saturday, November 15, 2008

In despair over drabness

I'm a kind of person that likes for something new. Let me say that I'd like to be strayed away and then get new experience rather than doing something usual and get nothing.

I found myself in condition of being bored. Like… why I'm here? why am I here? What would I do now? What I'm doing? What am I doing? Good for me that no question like 'who am I?' yah. Lucky…

I was thinking and think again, maybe it caused by that. It has been for long time that I 'feel' that I get nothing new. Weird, I knew that I've got a new things, but I feel nothing about it.

Now I need breakthrough to overcome my ennui.

Terobosan untuk kebosanan

Friday, November 14, 2008

in the edge of desperasio.. english..oh inggeris..

I have difficulties in english, one of them is how to say english word well (pronouncing).

But I do remembered the Melanesian English. I remembered how they speak English with repeated words "long" and "blong". Then I surf on the www, I found an article about their English.

It was reminding me about my past question, why do the people in south Africa need to use translator to translate if someone speak in English (as I saw one example: an Englishman preaching in church).

Kan, they all know English, they speak English.. truz, why then?

i think, it will help me if we speak english like's more easy to do..hehe

This is the article from :

Simplify your vocabulary.

The vocabulary of Bislama is largerly based upon that of English, but manages with a much smaller number of words. In many situations, Bislama has just a single word where in English we have more than one. For example, instead of the words "rock" and "stone" there is just a single word ston.

The following words can be used in Bislama more-or-less the same as in English:

afternoon (aftenun), airport (epot), banana (banana), ball (bol), bank (bang), basket (basket), battery (batri), bean (bin), bed (bed), beer (bia), bicycle (baskel), blanket (blangket), body (bodi), bottle (botel), box (bokis), boy (boe), bread (bred), bus (bas), business (bisnis), butter (bata), canoe (kenu), chief (jif), chocolate (joklet), church (jioj), coconut (kokonas), coffee (kofi), colour (kala), company (kampani), corner (kona), country (kantri), cup (kap), day (dei), doctor (dokta), dog (dog), door (doa), egg (eg), eye (ae), face (fes), field (fil), finger (fingga), fire (faea), fish (fis), flower (flaoa), friend (fren), fruit (frut), garden (garen), girl (gel), glass (glas), ground (graon), hair (hea), half (haf), head (hed), hill (hil), hole (hol), horse (hos), hospital (haospetal), house (haos), ice (aes), island (aelan), juice (jus), kitchen (kijin), knife (naef), law (loa), leg (leg), life (laef), light (laet), machine (masin), man (man), market (maket), medecine (meresin), middle (medel), milk (melek), money (mani), moon (mun), morning (moning), mouth (maot), news (nius), night (naet), nose (nus), number (namba), nurse (nes), nut (nat), office (ofis), paper (pepa), pastor (pasta), piece (pis), pig (pig), place (ples), plane (plen), plate (plet), police (polis), price (praes), rain (ren), rice (raes), river (reva), room (rum), salt (sol), school (skul), ship (sip), skin (skin), smell (smel), soap (sop), star (sta), stone (ston), student (studen), sugar (suga), sun (san), table (tebol), tax (takis), tea (ti), telephone (telefon), thunder (tanda), time (taem), tin (tin), town (taon), village (velej), water (wota), week (wik), wharf (wof), woman (woman), wood (wud), world (wol), year (yia)

There are some other Bislama terms that are not normally used in English but will be familiar to English speakers. Expatriates who have been in Vanuatu for a long time often get into the habit of using these words even when speaking normal English. Examples include:

bensin ("benzine") - petrol/gasoline

faol ("fowl") - chicken

puskat ("pussy cat") - cat

samting ("something") - thing

sanbij ("sand beach") - beach

solwota ("salt water") - sea

Some words have broader meanings in Bislama than in English:

Buluk - bullock, any other kind of cattle

han -hand, arm

hil -hill, mountain, slope

mit -meat, stew, flesh (including human flesh)

mustas -moustache, any other kind of facial hair

nil -nail, needle, thorn, spike (nil gras or gras nil = "thorny grass")

pijin -pigeon, any other wild bird (pijin blong solwota = "sea bird")

rod -road, path, way

rop -rope, cable, vine

sava -supper, evening

win -wind, air, breath, windpipe (pulum win = "breathe")

And a couple have more specific meanings:

Kastom - custom, used to refer specifically to the traditional customs practised before Europeans arrived (kastom i strong = "traditional practises are closely followed")

Lanwis - language, often used specifically to refer to the local native language (mi yusum lanwis = "I'm speaking my native language")

There are a few British-derived words in Bislama that might be unfamiliar to Americans:

biskit ("biscuit") - cookie

toj ("torch") - flashlight

traoses ("trousers") - pants

And there are a few American words too:

kaliko ("calico") - cloth

kerosin ("kerosene") - paraffin

stoa ("store") - shop

In spite of the fact that French is an official language in Vanuatu, there are not many important words in Bislama that come directly from French. However, there are a few:

glis (French glisser) - slide / slip

lafet (French la fête) - festival

bebet (Canadian French bibite) - insect / bug

There are also French-dervied alternatives to a few English-derived words, particularly terms for food:

bin or ariko (from French haricot) - bean

krim or lakrem (from French la crème) - cream

grefrut or pamplimus (from French pamplemousse) - grapefruit

paenapol or ananas (from French ananas) - pineapple

tin doti or pubel (from French poubelle) - dustbin


I’m bored – it’s about bosen (is bosen the V-3 of bore?)

It has been for few weeks, I feel ennui. My feelings are so bad. 2 days I did not go to campus. Like no more power to do more.

What made me feel so weary? Ah.., Like have nothing to do, only stayed at home. Unproductive.

I'm bored. But bored of what? I don't know..

Just want to be staying here at home and read something, instead go to campus and get nothing but the tasks.

How can I pass this boredom?



Ennui = perasaan bosan

Weary = capek, letih, jemu, bosen

Unproductive = tak menghasilkan, tak produktif

Bored = bosan

Boredom = kebosanan, rasa bosan/jemu


Aaa.. why? Then how? Tolong gua..


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

don't insult childern..! where is your heart?

joke: 12 baskets

Bah.. kemana yang lebih 12 bakul tuh..?

Uda dibawa pulang sama ibu"..


Saturday, November 8, 2008

AP law

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – unity in diversity

  • The philosophy that is adopted by various organisation all over the world

    "Unity in diversity is the official motto of the following: European Union, Ghana, Indonesia (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika), Papua New Guinea and South Africa." (Wikipedia)

Indonesia is one of the most diverse countries in the world. Has a various linguals, cultures, ethnic groups, religions, islands, and so on, which are Indonesia's inheritance.

As we already know, the draft of anti-pornography laws has been legalized by DPR-RI, Indonesian legislative.

We are not talking about anti-pornography, but about the law: the making, the result, and the maker.

Then what is the relevance between Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and anti-pornography law?

Imagine a building wihout the roof or lost it's stones.

Or maybe the building with the broken pillars or wall? Yes, we only need to countdown till it crumble.

That the image of this country's future if we don't do the right things now.

Indonesia's existence stands just because of the unity. Built within a composition of all components. The components that take part in building the nation are mentioned above.

We've made the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as our fundamental principal. We've made it our religion.

I believe that our founding fathers had an idea of the future, so they decided the Unity that is actualized in UUD-1945 and Pancasila. They had a hope of the union of all diverses in this nusantara. Before the proclamation, we commit Pancasila, as our national philosophical foundation.

Pancasila is a original philosophy of Indonesian origin that accepts foreign influence from Islam,Hindu,Buddhist and Western thought(wikipedia). By this definition, we see that religions are foreign influence, in other words we could name 'imported product'.

In the journey of our nation, we miss the point of being a unity. We become selfish, we become self oriented. There are so many law products, policies are made based on the group's purpose. That is not so good. Those that become the policy maker make the decision only by the pressure of their voters(read: the parties that point them).

Ain't have something to write anymore.. :D

All I want to say is:

  • DPR-RI has Failed.
  • We have no respect to UUD 45 and pancasila anymore.
  • There is an unseen movement that want to change Indonesia to become a nation that only belongs to one group of people.
  • Is there truth in this country?


  • Diverse = bermacam-macam
  • Lingual = bahasa
  • Inheritance = warisan
  • Countdown = hitung mundur
  • Fundamental = mendasar
  • Selfish = mementingkan diri sendiri / egois
  • Policies = kebijakan

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

about my nation (AP law, my blog's post draft, unedited, konsep hancur )

the draft of pornography law had been legalized by DPR..
see, where do they bring our nation to?
don't even look at our history, our differences, our Bhineka Tunggal Ika, our own original culture, our neighbor, our unity..
how can it be?
they are useless..
we have to know, that this nation 'is exist' only because of there still a differences.
bhineka means 'berbeda', west to east, north to south, we'll find the reality about the only matter that builds our nation is the difference..

how can it be?
every one that is chosen by people that have a hope for tis nation's future, simply do bullshit at a time..(all time i'm so sure..)

persons that have no loayalty to the nation, have no real freedom..
why do i say so? because

how can it be, people that call their selves as nationalist, choosed to be foolish as they miss the 'bhineka tunggal ika' point..

where was Demokrat party? where was PPP, where was the other 'nationalists'?
u r liar, u didn't fight for nation's goodness sake...

YOU LOST OUR TRUST...all of you in DPR, all of you that want to be elected again..
it also possible that in the next election, we find the decresion of the numbers of voters..


talk about the draft that has become the legal law in this country,(we still not agree with this), did we see the issues of disintegration in the parts of this nation, Indonesia?
that was not funny that we already hear and surely know about the news came from papua, that they just want to be separated from Indonesia, and then the news couldn't open up our eyes (and the most our heart), that we must place the bhineka as the most highest value in this country..
bhineka that united the islands, ethnics, groups,

How can we be so stupid like this..? DPR-RI has FAILED..!

How can we be so stupid like this..? DPR-RI has FAILED..!

unity in diversity ?

where is the diversity? no more..

the draft of anti-pornography law had been legalized..

DPR-RI has failed..

they put their political purpose top most higher than Bhinneka Tunggal Ika..

we better get apart and become partial and we may enjoy the true freedom.

I'm not going to be pro-pornography, but the law is so sick..

we have to respect the diffrence rather than our selves' will.

if we can't do that, so what we gonna stand for? nothing.. let papua be gone, bali be gone..

religions is just imported product, then why we despise the Bhinneka(our own product- inheritance)?

where we gonna go?

be smart..!

my cause in Facebook:

external link:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

How to Save Money on your Phone Bill - A VOIP Solution

By: icuxev

A lot has been said and discussed about the virtues of the many of possible VOIP solutions and how this technology is one of the best inventions since the creation of the internet. Many marketing ideas have been put in action to educate people about the fact that this technology offers so many advantages over regular phone service, that a baby could tell one is better than the other, so making a financially smart decision in the telephony field is not that difficult.

There are several phone companies out there that you would think by having so much competition that prices would be cheaper but the fact is they are not. Local phone companies who don't have close competition are the worst of any kind, because they keep the prices high regardless of demand. They know that users need their service so they charge whatever they want. People have to pay it or not have phone service. Well if you are one of those people that are or have experienced these problem there is a new solution for you , VoIP. VoIp short for Voice over IP which is the most cost-effective technology right now available on the net.

Everyone that knows about VoIP is using it as well as spreading the word to everyone they know. VoIP works by converting conversations into a digital digital packets of data that are transmitted over the net. If you are wanting to call a regular phone number then the signal is changed back into a regular telephone signal before reaching its destination. MSN Messenger used this very same technology You can use VoIP to do all your calling for extremely competitive rates. Unlike phone companies who often charge high rates per minute most VoIP providers only charge a small monthly fee, which can save you more than a few bucks!. This would allow you to eliminate the need for one detailed bill a month. With VoIP you can call anywhere in the world or just local.

This new technology you decide where you call and how much you want to pay. There are three calling options when using VoIp. You could use a VoIP enabled phone , you can use a regular telephone along with a VoIP adapter or using a computer with speakers and microphone to call. Voip lets you use the web without making your phone line unavailable. With some phone companies charging as much as thirty five cents a minute or hundreds for unlimited calling, VoIP is the best choice for those who use the phone a lot. Its not only affordable but its more convenient.

A good VOIP solution can save you a ton of money, but it is best if you understand your own calling habits and the way that you will use this technology. It also requires a good high-speed web connection so that when you call others they won't think you are calling them from a box. Sit down and write on a piece of paper all the costs this technology involves and make a good financial decision, whether you are searching for a VOIP solution for home or for business.

About The Author-- VoipDocument offers more information about phone service and free trial VoIP providers. Get great voip deals and learn more about this useful technology from our VoIP knowledge base. Visit us at

Article Source: Articles island - Free article submission and free reprint articles

Tired of never-ending phone bills? Try a free VoIP call!

What are the typical things we use the Internet for? Well, we use it to research for diverse information and also to download the latest music videos released by our favorite bands. At same time, we check our mails and also to get in touch with our friends. But how many of us use this technology to place phone calls? As incredible as it may seem, a lot of the Internet users have welcomed the appearance of VoIP technology, enjoying the wide array of offers presented online and the truly advantageous calling rates.

VoIP has been considered and it actually is a genuine revolutionary concept, especially designed to satisfy our enhanced needs for communication. This technology is compatible with regular landline phones, computers and also mobile phones. One can easily make a free VoIP call over the Internet, after carefully choosing a detailed calling plan and finding out more about how VoIP works in reality. Today, VoIP might be interpreted as forward-looking but it certainly is not new anymore. People are learning about its advantages and how they can switch from regular telephony services to these ones.

With VoIP you can really call everywhere around the world and at great calling rates also! There are unlimited calling packages with international saver features included, allowing you to call in over 35 destinations worldwide. The package also includes 500 free minutes and it is just Ł6.99/month. One can call to UK, USA and Canada landlines, not to mention take advantage of the VoIP mobile call opportunity. Free VoIP call features are also present in new packages, offered for countries like India, Pakistan or Bangladesh. At the same time, VoIP service providers include in their monthly packages free incoming numbers, which can be used no matter the country you are in or travel to.

Specialists have been testing the market ever since the first time when VoIP technology was introduced. They wanted to know how important it is for Internet users to opportunity of placing a free VoIP call and how much they rely on VoIP services to satisfy their needs for communication. The results were satisfactory and thus it was decided for VoIP technology to be constantly improved. More calling plans were added and the calling rates were made even more advantageous. VoIP services providers have started to lead almost aggressive promotional campaigns, trying to attract potential customers to their side.

Your Choice VoIP is the kind of company that can cater to every preference you have regarding this technology. It offers you the possibility of a free VoIP call and the most incredible features for your calling plan. They can assist you no matter if you want to use this technology from a regular phone, a PC or recently your mobile phone. These guys are the best at what they do and if you want a truly professional VoIP service provider you should definitely consider them. The VoIP packages they offer have great prices and they are specifically tailored to meet the needs of every individual.

The unlimited packages include a free incoming number and they can help you save a lot on your phone bill, you being required to pay a modest sum of Ł 9.99 per month. You do not have to wait too long to be able to call and the account creation is completely free. They also give you a free softphone and you are not obliged to sign any contract whatsoever. The calling rates as it was already mentioned are low and they have a lot of pretty other great stuff to offer, including a VoIP adapter that can help you receive calls on your VoIP line.

Why is it a good thing that we have VoIP technology today besides the obvious reasons? Well, because we can also use it on your mobile phones. The mobile softphone software is usually downloaded from the Internet and one just has to configure the VoIP account online so as he/she can start placing a VoIP mobile call. How does unlimited free calling sound? Truly great, doesn’t it? We all know that VoIP is the use of Internet connection for making telephone calls but how cool it actually is to use our mobile phones to perform such actions?

If you want to make a VoIP mobile call yourself, then by all means download the Fring software with just a simple text message. Use the Internet to find out more information about how you can manage your VoIP mobile account and see what the required monthly fees are. The only required Internet connection for placing a VoIP mobile call is GPRS or WiFi and most of the mobile phones have them nowadays. Just make sure that you resort to a trustworthy VoIP service provide, such as Your Choice VoIP and select the most advantageous calling plan, no matter if it’s for your landline phone or for your mobile.

About The Author-- We take pride in offering advantageous calling rates and the best customer services. Find our how you can make a free VoIP call with our company! We are VoIP service providers, professional and reliable; our specialists can help you place the best VoIP mobile call you have ever dreamed of!

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