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Saturday, November 8, 2008

AP law

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – unity in diversity

  • The philosophy that is adopted by various organisation all over the world

    "Unity in diversity is the official motto of the following: European Union, Ghana, Indonesia (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika), Papua New Guinea and South Africa." (Wikipedia)

Indonesia is one of the most diverse countries in the world. Has a various linguals, cultures, ethnic groups, religions, islands, and so on, which are Indonesia's inheritance.

As we already know, the draft of anti-pornography laws has been legalized by DPR-RI, Indonesian legislative.

We are not talking about anti-pornography, but about the law: the making, the result, and the maker.

Then what is the relevance between Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and anti-pornography law?

Imagine a building wihout the roof or lost it's stones.

Or maybe the building with the broken pillars or wall? Yes, we only need to countdown till it crumble.

That the image of this country's future if we don't do the right things now.

Indonesia's existence stands just because of the unity. Built within a composition of all components. The components that take part in building the nation are mentioned above.

We've made the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika as our fundamental principal. We've made it our religion.

I believe that our founding fathers had an idea of the future, so they decided the Unity that is actualized in UUD-1945 and Pancasila. They had a hope of the union of all diverses in this nusantara. Before the proclamation, we commit Pancasila, as our national philosophical foundation.

Pancasila is a original philosophy of Indonesian origin that accepts foreign influence from Islam,Hindu,Buddhist and Western thought(wikipedia). By this definition, we see that religions are foreign influence, in other words we could name 'imported product'.

In the journey of our nation, we miss the point of being a unity. We become selfish, we become self oriented. There are so many law products, policies are made based on the group's purpose. That is not so good. Those that become the policy maker make the decision only by the pressure of their voters(read: the parties that point them).

Ain't have something to write anymore.. :D

All I want to say is:

  • DPR-RI has Failed.
  • We have no respect to UUD 45 and pancasila anymore.
  • There is an unseen movement that want to change Indonesia to become a nation that only belongs to one group of people.
  • Is there truth in this country?


  • Diverse = bermacam-macam
  • Lingual = bahasa
  • Inheritance = warisan
  • Countdown = hitung mundur
  • Fundamental = mendasar
  • Selfish = mementingkan diri sendiri / egois
  • Policies = kebijakan